Perinatal Care, Wellness Retreats, and Individual Therapy.

With Jenna Szuchy

Anywhere in Pennsylvania.

Yep, it’s time for you to Chase Your Happy.

Work with Jenna

  • Wellness and Couples Retreats

    Two fresh retreats, coming in hot. One for the burnt-to-a-crisp humans needing to be rebuilt from the ashes. And one for all my couples that are craving reconnection, closeness, and a way smoother sailing relationship.

  • Perinatal Therapy

    You deserve the most comfy, supportive, and expert guidance as you process, heal and work through anything perinatal that you’re going through. I want you to finally feel relief and get the support and direction you’re in need of, as you’re on your perinatal journey.

  • Individual Therapy

    On an eat, pray, love journey? And trying to finally figure out what it means to love yourself, to find yourself, to let it all go, to truly heal? Yep. I hear you, I want that for you to, and let’s figure out your own path with this magical healing you’re about to do.  

  • Supervision & Consultation

    Want some professional collaboration and support as a therapist or counselor? I got you. I offer individual and group supervision as well as consultation as-you-need-it. Fees are listed on the investment page for these services.

It’s really…really not fun. 

And that’s an understatement. Feeling run down, drained, low on fuel, and completely overwhelmed by life in general…

…is just too much to even think about. 

It sucks. 

And it sucks to feel like it’s always going to stay this way, and that you’re alone in trying to figure this all out. 

But you don’t have to be alone in this, and having an over-excited-guide along the way, like me over here, who’s jumping up and down ready to dig in and help you heal, makes the healing go way faster. 

Trust me. 

Way. Faster.

You get to finally watch the pain, the grief, the sadness, the negative thoughts, the anger…all of it, fade away. 

You get to rise out of those overgrown weeds of your life and shake off the dust, the debris, the ick so you can be your most vibrant self

So you can be that extra shade of whatever color you want to be. Radiate, glow, shine, all of those words x100 is what we are aiming for. 

And I can help you get there.

Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly first.

All you have to do is try. 

All you have to do is send a message, find a phone number, see if there’s a session time that works for you. And to see if we can be a good fit.

 Just trying is all you have to do. 

And then you get to just watch the next steps just fall into place. 

As you take a step back and think “Umm whaaaa?! I did it.” 

“I did this therapy stuff, this retreat stuff, this getting support and doing my healing stuff…

…and it worked.”

AND it didn’t have to be perfect.

You absolutely did not have to bring in an A+ doing all this healing stuff to see the results. 

Hey, I’m Jenna :)

Want some juicy deets on what makes me human, what I’m like in my day-to-day, that’s not an uber long paragraph about all my qualifications? Yesss!